Find the Right SEO Tool for the Job.
Launching an SEO campaign is kind of like putting together a dresser from IKEA.
No matter how much time or energy you have, you really can’t do squat without the right tools.

Link Building Tools
Building backlinks is an integral part of any Off-Page SEO strategy. Use these tools to complement your efforts in boosting expertise, authority and trust (EAT) signals.
SEO Audit Tools
Agency, freelancer, and affiliate SEOs all agree that the industry is always evolving. That’s why it matters which tools you use to run audits. The good ones stay updated.
Keyword Research Tools
Proper keyword research should be the backbone of your content strategies and website optimization campaigns so your content will target the most valuable searches.
SEO Reporting Tools
Every once in a while you need to run some numbers and crunch some tacos. Instead of drawing all your reports with green and red crayons, try these tools next month.
Keyword Rank Checkers
Does your website rank for any keywords on Google? That’s something you should probably know. These essential SEO tools will show you where you stand.
Local SEO Tools
Siri, get me directions to the nearest Chipotle, all this descriptive text worked up my appetite. BTW, these local SEO tools will help you show up for searches like that.

Metrics. SEO tools offer various analytical tools to help analyze your web pages and your niche as a whole. Among the most common metrics to use are hits, page views, and keywords used on your pages. You’ll want to get an idea of what these all-important numbers look like for your niche. To get a broad snapshot, Google Analytics is the first choice. From this report, you can get valuable insight on general search volume, position popularity, competitor analysis, and so much more.
Backlinks analysis. Keywords in your meta tags can tell you a lot about your web page’s actual performance. Google’s Page Rank (PR) and Alexa rank are two great measuring devices for assessing web page quality. Backlinks are useful indicators of SEO success as well because they measure the number of links that point to your site from other sites. The more backlinks you have, the more popular your web page is, which in turn means higher search volume.
Search console and data studio. This is a relatively new SEO tool, but it has already proven to be one of the best free tools available. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop dashboard design, you can quickly access search volume and keywords by month, week, day, and even in seconds. Data studio also offers an extensive list of partner tools, such as Google Analytics, which is useful for running PPC campaigns.
On-page analysis. Google Analytics is a great SEO tool for on-page analysis of your website and web pages. It shows you how many people are clicking on links within your website and how many people are navigating away from your site after clicking through. On-page analysis can help you fine-tune your SEO strategy by revealing which keywords are best for your specific business, product, or target market.

Screaming frog. If you have heard the phrase “you are what you eat”, then you might have heard of the” screaming frog”. This is the Google Keyword Research Tool. Its colorful interface and simple usage make it easy to understand and even fun to use. If you’re looking for the most up-to-date keyword research tool, this is definitely the tool for you.
Keyword research tool. Google’s Keyword Research Tool can be used for both PPC and SEO. A keyword research tool will allow you to generate keyword lists that are specifically suited for your business. It will give you fresh, cutting edge keyword data that you can immediately incorporate into your PPC campaigns.
Checker. Google’s Analytics can be of great help if you want to check your PPC campaigns. However, some of you do not like to do manual checkups because you are busy. This tool can also do the checks for you; a free tool with more features than its competitors.
Chrome Extension. If you own a web browser, you may also need an advanced search tool or a chrome extension to perform basic searches. Google Chrome Extension provides advanced search features while working in the background. To use it, just install the extension and select an appropriate URL. It will run in the background and perform advanced research for you, such as checking for broken links, misspelled words, and other common errors.
Google Webmaster Tools. If you don’t want to spend money on SEO tools and keep track of keyword changes yourself, try Google Webmaster Tools. The Google webmaster tools provide statistics and analytical tools that will be helpful for your PPC campaigns. The Google Webmaster Tools has a free version and professional version. If you are new to SEO, you may opt to use the free version to conduct basic checkups.
XML Sitemaps. A free tool, an XML Sitemap will help you locate sitemaps (a map that lists the URLs of all the pages in a website) with just a few clicks. However, if you use an expensive software product, the tool has many more benefits to offer. Advanced users can also view detailed information about the page such as meta-tags, alt image data, and other data that will be helpful when you submit the website to search engines.